Breast Augmentation in DallasTexas

Breast augmentation is one of Dr. Bradley Hubbard’s most commonly performed procedures.  Every patient is different, and many goals can be accomplished with this procedure, including:

  • Increase the size of small breasts
  • Restore volume to breasts after childbirth and weight loss
  • Add fullness to provide a more attractive breast shape
  • Balance breasts that are not the same size
  • Enhance self-confidence with and without clothing

Breast Augmentation Consultation

As a plastic surgeonDr. Hubbard focuses on offering his patients a full range of options to fit your body, personal cosmetic goals, and lifestyle. During your consultation, Dr. Hubbard will discuss a variety of factors to consider when making the decision to have breast augmentation surgery. Talking through these factors will help you make the right decision for your body and ensure that you are a good candidate for breast enhancement.

There are several things to think about when considering a breast augmentation procedure.

  • Breast Size: Your body type and personal preferences dictate this. Size is usually the hardest decision for breast augmentation patients to make. We encourage you to visit to view patient pictures and become accustomed to the implant sizing system. During your consultation we will choose an implant size using three methods:
      • Through a verbal discussion of your preferences.
      • Using implant sizers that simulate the breast augmentation.
      • A mathematical formula that predicts the best implant for your current breast characteristics.
  • Breast Implant Material: This is the type of breast implant that you want. You will be able to choose between two available materials; saline breast implants or silicone gel. Dr. Hubbard does not have a strong opinion on which of these breast implants options you should choose. The FDA has found both implants to be safe for breast surgery.If you have a significant amount of breast tissue there is no difference except that silicone costs more. If you don’t have a significant amount of breast tissue, a silicone implant may look and feel more natural.
  • Incision location: There are several options for incision location. Incisions are most commonly placed in the crease below the breast. Incisions can also be placed in the underarm (armpit) or around the areola. Again, the decision is ultimately yours. There are a few situations where one incision choice is preferable, which will be discussed with you. However, for the most part, incision location is based on patient preference.
  • Implant PlacementDr. Hubbard almost always opts for submuscular implant placement. This is when the implant  is placed under the chest muscle. Some patients do choose to have their implants placed just beneath the breast tissue (this is common for professional athletes and bodybuilders)

Benefits of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation will help improve the fullness and projection of breasts. It will also make the overall physical appearance more balanced and proportionate. Dr. Hubbard has many satisfied patients that experience an enhancement of their self-image and self-confidence following surgery. In some cases, breast implants may also be used for breast reconstruction following an injury or a mastectomy.

It is important to remember that breast augmentation is not an appropriate procedure to correct severely sagging breasts. Patients who would like to improve the fullness of their breasts along with a correction of drooping breasts may need a combination of breast augmentation and breast lift procedures to achieve their desired results. Both procedures are typically performed at the same time.

Breast Augmentation Care and Recovery

This type of breast surgery usually takes less than one hour and is performed under general anesthesia. No drains are used, and no sutures will need to be removed. You will go home the day of your surgery, but you will need someone to handle the driving. Showering is encouraged the night of the surgery. You will need to wear a non-underwire sports bra all the time for the first 1 to 2 weeks. Within about 7 to 10 days, most women can return to light to normal activities, including work; more strenuous exercise can be resumed after about a month.

The Final Results

While you will likely have some minor bruising and swelling for the first week after surgery, most patients report that it is immediately rewarding to see beautiful, fuller breasts following their surgeries. Many of Dr. Hubbard’s patients express increased self-confidence, in addition to being thrilled with their new breast size and shape.

The main limitation of this surgery is breast droop. With significant breast droop or ptosis, breast augmentation alone can make the breast appearance and shape worse. In these situations, a breast lift procedure would have to be performed simultaneously for the best result.

Mommy Makeovers: A Popular Breast Augmentation Choice

Many women choose to combine breast augmentation with other cosmetic procedures, sometimes called a “Mommy Makeover.” The benefit of combining procedures is having only one recovery period. This could entail any number of additional procedures depending on your needs and desires, but commonly include liposuction and often a tummy tuck. During your consultation, we will allow plenty of time to discuss the improvements you desire and then thoroughly explain the available procedures. See all before and after plastic surgery gallery pictures.

If you would like to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Hubbard, please email our office or call directly at 214.370.4813.