Breast Lift and Augmentation Surgery in the Dallas, Texas Area

For some patients, breast augmentation with breast lift is the proper procedure. Over time breasts will lose their youthful shape, firmness and volume. To restore the characteristics of youthful breasts, the goal is to leave the fewest scars possible. Breast augmentation alone is possible for many women after their childbearing years. However, for some the skin has become overstretched resulting in breast droop.

In women with significant breast droop, breast augmentation alone can make the breast appearance, nipple position and shape worse!  In these situations, a breast lift procedure needs to be performed simultaneously for the best result.

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Breast Lift and Augmentation Consultation

The critical decision during your consultation is whether or not a breast lift is also necessary. This is affected by several factors: nipple position, degree of skin laxity and how much augmentation is desired. As you can imagine, every woman is different. To complicate matters further there are usually significant differences between breasts on the same patient.

During your consultation, Dr. Hubbard will explain to you if a lift is needed and where the resulting scar will be. The more lift that is needed, the larger the scar will have to be. For minor lifts the scar will be limited to the edge of the areola. For medium lifts the scar will be around the areola and a vertical line from the areola to the fold below the breast (aka lollypop incision). For more significant lifts, a scar running horizontally in the fold below the breast is necessary.

Breast Lift and Augmentation Care and Recovery

The breast lift and augmentation procedure takes two to three hours and is performed with general anesthesia. No drains are used and no sutures need to be removed. You can go home the day of your surgery, but you will need someone to handle the driving. Showering is usually allowed the day after surgery. You will need to wear a non-underwire sports bra all the time for the first 1 to 2 weeks. Within about 7 to 10 days, most women are able to return to light activity, including work; more strenuous exercise can be resumed after about a month.

The Final Result

While you will likely have some minor bruising and swelling for the first week after surgery, it’s immediately rewarding to see your fuller, more perky breasts after breast lift and augmentation. Scars on the breast fade over time and are very rarely a concern or in need of revision. Many of our patients express increased self-confidence, in addition to being thrilled with their enhanced breasts.

During your consultation Dr. Hubbard will discuss with you your goals and expectations and determine if this is the right procedure for you.

To schedule your private consultation with Dr. Hubbard please email our office or call directly at 214.370.4813.

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