Facial Plastic Surgery

People seeking facial plastic surgery visit Dr. Bradley Hubbard in Dallas, TX for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you are hoping to fix something that has bothered you about your face forever, need to reverse years of sun damage, fighting the aging process, or just want to look your best; Dr. Hubbard is focused on helping you reach your goals.

We all look in the mirror from time to time and wish we could change a little something. Aging is usually the biggest factor in other facial surgeries that both women and men in Dallas seek out Dr. Hubbard for. Gravity, weight gain and loss, sun damage and other environmental factors age our skin.

You might be looking to correct droopy eyelids with eyelid surgery or regain muscle tone and lesson forehead wrinkles with a brow lift. Another common facial surgery is facial fat transfer, which can restore youthfulness and fill wrinkles in our faces by replacing fat that is lost over time.

No matter what you might be looking to improve or enhance about your beautiful face, Dr. Hubbard offers his patients a full range of facial plastic surgery procedures that can help you perfect your look. We encourage you to click through our galleries and see all before and after plastic surgery gallery pictures.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Hubbard at the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute to discuss whether or not facial plastic surgery is right for you.  Here are some of the procedures offered: