For many years, facial aging was blamed on decreased skin elasticity or sagging skin. Anyone seeking facial rejuvenation was treated with a facelift to remove the skin excess. In the last couple decades, plastic surgeons began to realize aging was more complicated than that. Skin does lose elasticity and stretch-out, but at the same time there is loss of facial fat and volume. A lot of the “extra skin” isn’t extra at all!

For men and woman in their 40s and 50s wanting to look their best, this knowledge provides options other than surgery, facial or dermal fillers. After the 50s adding volume helps (and should be part of the rejuvenation process), but most likely surgery would be needed for a perfect result. See all before and after plastic surgery gallery pictures.

There are many “fillers” injected today. Dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and others have built successful practices on regular injection of these products. On average, the results for one injection might last one year. Depending on much filler your use and who’s injecting that add up to $500 to several thousand dollars per year.

There is another way, facial fat transfer!

How Does Facial Fat Transfer Work?

It is now possible to utilize “extra” fat from other places in your body to fill in hollow areas, augment highlight points, and fill in wrinkles.  Fat cells are harvested using standard liposuction techniques. The fat is processed in a manner that keeps the fat cells alive. Then your own fat cells are transplanted (injected) under the skin like other facial fillers. Some of the fat cells will not live through this process, but the vast majority will. Essentially, transplanted fat is a permanent filler. The great part? It never goes away. The bad part? It will fluctuate with your weight like other fat cells. Therefore, Dr. Hubbard only recommends it for patients who’s weight stays relatively stable.

Where Are Fillers Injected?

  • Nasolabial Folds form as a result of cheek dissent. Placing filler in this area serves to camouflage the transition between lip and cheek.
  • Corners of the mouth tend to turn down with age. Placing filler under the skin can help support and upturn the corners of your mouth.
  • Whether young or old, some women wish they had more lip fullness. Certainly with increasing age the lip loses volume and small wrinkles begin to form on the edge of the lip. Adding filler to the lips can decrease these fine wrinkles as well as add volume to the lip itself.
  • Baggy lower eyelids can be one of the most obvious signs of aging. Placing fillers in the lower lids is a highly effective tool for filling in the tear trough. Unfortunately, the area has excellent blood supply, bruising and swelling are common.
  • Hollow upper eyelids are another common sign of aging. The eye appears sunken into the eye socket and the upper eyelid has excess thin, crepey skin. Injecting filler in this area gives a fuller more youthful eye.

 The Final Result

Facial fat transfer is not a “cure all” of facial aging and not appropriate at all for some people will “fuller” faces. But, in some, fillers can do amazingly well at camouflaging the effects of mother nature. Injections can be uncomfortable and topical anesthesia is usually needed. Afterword expect some downtime as bruising and swelling are not unusual, but not as bad as a surgery.

During your consultation Dr. Hubbard will discuss with you your goals and expectations and determine if this is the right procedure for you. To schedule your private consultation with Dr. Hubbard please email our office or call directly at 214.370.4813.