It is well established that if you are unhappy with the size and shape of your breasts the issue can be resolved with the expertise of a plastic surgeon. There is another common body issue, talked about less in public and popular media, though often discussed behind the closed doors of a plastic surgery consultation – nipple negativity.

Nipple Negativity? There are Options.

Many breast surgery patients are unhappy with the size, shape, color or overall look of their nipples. Because the topic does not get much coverage, many patients aren’t aware that there are easy surgical options to improve the aesthetics of their nipples. The three main questions surgeons receive about nipples are:

“Can I do anything about my inverted nipples?”

“My nipples are too flat, is there a way to make them come out?”

“My nipples are too large, is there anything I can do to make them smaller?”

Women and men spend a lot of time worrying about nipple issues that can easily be resolved. A variety of relatively simple procedures can be performed by a certified plastic surgeon to remedy these different complaints. Surgical procedures can be done alone or in conjunction with other breast surgeries like a breast enhancement, lift or reduction.

INVERTED NIPPLES  – “Can I do anything about my inverted nipples?”

An inverted nipple is the term for a nipple that points inward instead of outward. The nipple can’t be seen, and it appears as a simple line in the skin where the nipple should be. One or both nipples may be inverted. Both men and women can be affected.  You can be born with concave nipples and sometimes breastfeeding, or a trauma (ex: breast cancer surgery) can result in an inverted nipple. A significant amount of fibrosis (an excess amount of fibrous connective tissue) inside the nipple area holds the nipple in tightly, like – webbing, not letting it point out like a typical nipple.

FLAT NIPPLES –  “My nipples are too flat, is there a way to make them come out?”

As the name describes, a flat nipple is not erect at all and blends into the surrounding darker area of the breast, the areola. It is not protracted inside the breast like an inverted nipple but is flush with the areola, offering little distinction between the two. With stimulation, cold temperatures or breast feeding flat nipples might protrude some but not as much as a “normal” nipple would.


Both men and women see plastic surgeons for a simple surgery that can fix an inverted or a flat nipple. A small incision is placed below the nipple, and the surgeon spreads the dense fibers (fibrosis) inside the nipple to help hold the nipple in an outward position. The exact procedure will depend on the grade of the inverted or flat nipple. Most procedures require little down time. Sensation should remain after surgery.  One caveat, since milk ducts are being manipulated in the surgery, breastfeeding could be inhibited.  Be sure to have an in-depth conversation with your plastic surgeon about your concerns and if you have plans to become a mom or breast feed before scheduling your surgery.

OVER PROJECTION OR ENLARGED NIPPLES –  “My nipples are too large, is there anything I can do to make them smaller?”

Another patient issue plastic surgeons hear about in a breast consultation appointment is, “My nipples are too large. What can I do?” Some patients complain that their nipples are too long and “droop.” Another common patient complaint is that their nipple is too wide. Both of these issues are referred to as over projection by plastic surgeons. These conditions can be congenital (you are born that way) or result from breastfeeding. Correction is utilized to balance the look of the breast as a whole. Surgery for over projection is relatively simple and has a quick recovery time. Depending on the procedure, excess skin may be removed, and the nipple length or width shortened. Sensation remains normal after procedures and depending on the procedure a patient can usually breastfeed.

Get rid of your nipple negativity. You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Hubbard today to discover how a simple plastic surgery procedure can give you nipples you will love. These surgeries are relatively easy and cost-efficient with little down time so nothing should stop you from getting a look you love.