Have you heard of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

Fat transfer breast augmentation has become an increasingly popular alternative to breast implants. The procedure involves taking unwanted fat from one area of the body and transferring it to the breasts. It is a great option for women who desire a relatively moderate increase in breast size and avoids the use of implants. 

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and requires about a week of downtime. Before surgery, patients may be instructed to wear a bra-shaped vacuum device called EVE, which puts gentle suction on the breast. This will expand the breast tissue and increase the blood supply improving the rate of fat cell survival. During the procedure, excess fat is removed from another part of the patient’s body, such as the belly or thighs, through liposuction. The fat is then purified and injected into the breasts in multiple injection sites to create a natural, even shape.


Risks Of This Kind Of Surgery

As with any surgical procedure, fat transfer breast augmentation is not without risks. These risks include cysts, infection, microcalcification and necrosis, or death of the fat cells.

An important thing to understand is that a portion of the transferred fat cells will die and be resorbed by the body, so the amount of fat that remains in the breast will vary based on a number of factors. Because of this, the final result may be smaller than expected, or breast sizes may be uneven, requiring further treatment. 


Pros and Cons Of This Option

Here are some pros and cons to consider if you are thinking about fat transfer breast augmentation.


-Breasts have a softer, more natural feel. 

-The procedure uses your own tissue. No implants required.

-Unwanted fat is removed from another area of the body.

-Incisions are small and scars are minimal.



-A relatively small increase in volume can be achieved compared to traditional implants.

-The amount of volume added to the breast may decrease over time. 

-May require multiple sessions to achieve desired volume.

-Typically costs more than breast augmentation with implants, as liposuction is also performed.

-Breast cancer screening (mammograms) are slightly harder to read after all breast surgeries. Fat grafting does cause some changes to the mammogram image, but it has been determined safe and not negatively effecting the ability to detect breast cancer. 


photo of a woman for fat transfer breast augmentation review for Dr. Bradley Hubbard

What Kind Of Results Can You Expect?

Immediately following surgery, you can expect soreness, bruising, and swelling in the breasts and liposuctioned areas. You may have to wear compression garments for a few weeks in areas that were liposuctioned, and can usually return to work in about a week. 

In the weeks following surgery, your breasts will be swollen and may appear larger than expected. As the swelling decreases and a portion of the fat cells are resorbed, you will start to see final results. By three months, the fat cells that remain in the breast will be permanent. 

As mentioned before, fat transfer breast augmentation has less predictable results than breast augmentation with implants. This is because the amount of fat that stays in the breast varies for every patient. Further injections may be necessary to achieve the desired result.

How Do I Find a Plastic Surgeon in Dallas, TX That Does Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Near Me?

Dr. Hubbard is very skilled at breast augmentation through fat transfer. As with any type of medical procedure, it is important to do your research before you take the plunge. Fat transfer breast augmentation should be performed by a surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). These surgeons meet rigorous standards and  training requirements. Never be afraid to ask a doctor about training and experience. To find a qualified plastic surgeon near you, visit find.plasticsurgery.org. You can also visit realself.com, which is a great place to find information about plastic surgery procedures and providers. 

If you are interested in scheduling a consultation, please contact us today!


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