Facelift Surgery Dallas | Plastic Surgeon Frisco | PlanoFacelift is an effective plastic surgery procedure for an adult who is dissatisfied with the growing facial signs of aging. Rhytidectomy, as the procedure is clinically called, can help improve typical aging signs in the face and neck, such as:

  • Drooping skin in the mid face
  • Deep lines beneath the lower eyelids
  • Prominent laugh lines
  • Displaced fat on parts of the face
  • Jowls due to loss of muscle tone
  • Excess fat deposits and loose skin under the chin

Brow lift, eyelid lift, and forehead lift some other procedures that are typically performed along with facelift for more comprehensive results. It is, however, important to note that a facelift cannot stop the aging process and does not alter the fundamental features of the face.

Plastic Surgeon Dr. Bradley Hubbard, with specialized training and experience in plastic and aesthetic surgery performs this procedure for patients in Dallas, Frisco, and Plano, Texas.

Outstanding Candidates for Facelift

This surgery is a surgical procedure with an individualized approach. Anyone who is considering this procedure should do it for his or own satisfaction, and not with an aim to fulfill someone else’s desires or to achieve some kind of an ideal image. Facelift is a prudent choice for someone who is:

  • Physically healthy and fit for surgery
  • Does not smoke or can stop smoking for several weeks before and after the surgery
  • Is dissatisfied with the visible appearance of aging signs on the face
  • Has realistic expectations from the procedure


Prior to the procedure, the patient may have to do the following:

  • Obtain a health evaluation or lab test
  • Adjust ongoing medications
  • Quit smoking well ahead of the surgery
  • Avoid anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin and herbal supplements

The surgeon will provide special pre-op and post-op instructions such as what to do on the night before the surgery, the use of anesthesia during the procedure, and post-op care and follow-up visits. If the procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure, the patient will be asked to arrange for someone to drive back home and stay for the night after the procedure.

Facelift Procedure

The procedure begins with anesthesia administration, which could be IV sedation or general anesthesia, as decided in advance or during the procedure. At the time of treatment planning, the patient and the surgeon may have agreed on additional procedures along with this surgery. These may include eyelid lift and brow lift, facial implants, chin augmentation, laser skin resurfacing, and wrinkle reduction with Botox or dermal fillers. Once the patient is under anesthesia, the surgeon will make an incision to perform this procedure. The technique used may be a traditional facelift, a neck lift, or limited incision facelift.

A traditional facelift involves an incision that begins at the temples along the hairline, continues around the ear and culminates in the lower scalp. Through the incision, the surgeon will sculpt or redistribute excess fat from the face, jowls and neck. He will reposition the underlying tissue and may also lift the muscles, if they are sagging. Excess skin will be removed and skin re-draped over the uplifted contours. The incisions will be closed with sutures or skin adhesives. Visible improvements in the facial profile will appear as bruising and swelling subside.

Facelift Recovery

Following the surgery, the patient may expect to have a bandage placed around the face to reduce post-op bruising and swelling. Drains may be inserted to prevent collection of fluid under the skin. The surgeon will provide post-op instructions, including how to care for the affected area, what medications to take to minimize the risk of infection and reduce discomfort, and when to make the first follow-up visit.


Some results can be seen immediately, but full results of the procedure will establish themselves over several months. Post-op swelling will go away completely after a few months, and incision lines will usually mature within six months. The final results are usually long-lasting and the patient can enjoy a rejuvenated look and an improved self-esteem. The patient should protect against the sun always, and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle to help extend the results for a longer time.

Meet Dr. Bradley Hubbard

Dr. Hubbard is a plastic surgeon who has performed a number of cosmetic procedures in Dallas, Plano, Frisco, TX and other nearby areas over the last several years. Dr. Hubbard attended Upstate Medical University, where he graduated cum laude. He was also chosen as a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society. He practices adult aesthetic and reconstructive surgery in Texas.

For more information on plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Plastic Surgeon, Bradley A. Hubbard MD in Dallas, Plano, Frisco and surrounding areas schedule a consultation by clicking here or calling 214-370-4813