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Plastic Surgery

Check out all the posts about plastic surgery created to provide helpful information. Articles for those who oare interested in a procedure or want to learn more about cosmetic surgery.

Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss in Dallas, Texas

As a plastic surgeon, I enjoy working with all of my patients, but individuals who are seeking plastic surgery following massive weight loss are some of my most rewarding cases. No matter the scenario, these patients have worked extremely hard to lose weight and take control of their health. Some have had weight-loss surgeries like [...]

2021-09-15T18:32:13+00:00August 19th, 2021|Blog, Plastic Surgery|

The Truth About Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

Want to know the truth about Brazilian lift surgery? Brazilian butt lift surgery or BBL, is a procedure that we commonly receive questions about in our Dallas, Texas office. This cosmetic surgery has definitely grown in popularity over the past decade. There is a lot of misinformation out there surrounding the BBL, so I wanted to take a moment to break down the [...]

2020-08-31T15:32:40+00:00August 31st, 2020|Blog, Cosmetic Surgery, Plastic Surgery|

How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

Liposuction Cost Can Vary The cost of liposuction varies depending on the area that you would like to receive liposuction, or how many areas you would like to receive liposuction on. You can also expect the cost of liposuction to vary from practice to practice based on the plastic surgeon's level of skill and the [...]

2019-08-29T13:18:03+00:00July 28th, 2019|Blog, Liposuction, Plastic Surgery|

Plastic Surgery Diet: What to Eat Before and After Surgery

One of the great advantages of aesthetic surgery is that it’s thoroughly discussed between doctor and patient and scheduled well in advance. As a patient, one of the more important preparations you can make is to adhere to a plastic surgery diet. What you eat in the month before your procedure and during the post-operative [...]

2020-06-30T14:59:56+00:00July 14th, 2014|Cosmetic Surgery, Plastic Surgery|

Different Kinds of Breast Implants: Benefits and Drawbacks

Breast implants are the second-most popular form of plastic surgery in the world, and the most popular plastic surgery procedure in the US.  Whether it’s for reasons of self-esteem, sexual desirability, or wanting to fit in (or wanting to stand out!) over 300,000 American women get breast implants every year. We’ve come a long way [...]

Plastic Surgery Consultation – What to Expect

If you’re deeply unhappy with some aspect of your physical appearance, plastic surgery can be a great tool for looking and feeling better.  Many of Dr. Hubbard’s patients find themselves with new self-confidence and personal strength after a procedure (as well as wearing clothes they could never have imagined before!).  But if you’ve never explored [...]

2019-08-29T13:15:23+00:00May 14th, 2014|Cosmetic Surgery, Plastic Surgery|

Smoking and Plastic Surgery: It’s Not Worth the Risk

Potential candidates for plastic surgery often ask when is the “right” time to have certain procedures. Particular plastic surgery procedures should be put on hold until you’re at a certain point in your lifestyle: for example, it’s best to wait on having a tummy tuck done until after you’re finished having children. What surprises many [...]

2020-06-08T11:12:51+00:00May 7th, 2014|Cosmetic Surgery, Plastic Surgery|
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