Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty Surgery Dallas | Plano | FriscoA tummy tuck refers to a plastic surgery procedure to remove excess skin and fat along with possible restoration of weak muscles to create a flatter, smoother and firmer abdominal profile. The procedure is useful in cases where exercise and diet fail to reduce the stubborn abdominal fat deposits and loose skin. Protruding and sagging abdomen may occur even in a person of otherwise normal body weight. Common reasons for this include hereditary factors, previous surgery, aging, pregnancy, and substantial weight fluctuation.

It is important to understand that tummy tuck is not a weight loss procedure. It cannot reduce stretch marks, although some of these may be reduced during the surgery. Dr. Bradley Hubbard is a plastic surgeon for tummy tuck in Dallas, Plano, Frisco and McKinney, Texas. He sees patients at his state of the art surgical center in Dallas, which provides a range of advanced laser and skin care services.


Patients are encouraged to be completely candid about their needs and goals from the procedure as well as their medical history and current health and medication status. The plastic surgeon will seek as much relevant information as possible because the success of the procedure depends considerably on such information.

The patient should be provide accurate information about any known drug allergies, previous surgeries, lifestyle issues, use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs, and any ongoing medications, herbal, or nutritional supplements. Pre-op consultation may also include taking discreet pictures for medical records and a discussion on various treatment options, surgeon’s recommendations and expected results from tummy tuck, including potential risks.


Pre-operative preparation will usually include a detailed medical evaluation, which may include a lab test. The patient will be instructed to quit smoking several weeks prior to the surgery. Anti-inflammatory medications, aspirin and herbal medicines would also have to be stopped well before the date of surgery. The surgeon will provide advice on what needs to be done on the night before and the morning of the surgery. He explain about the anesthesia procedure that will be used for the patient, and provide instructions about post-op care and follow-up.


The surgeon may administer certain medications to comfort the patient before the surgery. The best choice for administration of anesthesia will be decided prior to or during the surgery. The procedure will begin with an incision as per the treatment plan devised in advance. A full tummy tuck will involve a horizontal incision in the area between the navel and the pubic hairline. The length and shape of the incision may vary according to the extent of surgery to be performed.

The incision will be used to tighten the loose or separated muscles in the abdominal area. Excess skin, fat and tissue will be removed through the incision. In some cases, a second incision may be made around the navel, in the upper abdominal region, to remove excess fat and skin. Once the process is completed, the surgeon will close the incisions with sutures or skin adhesives.


The surgical site may be wrapped in bandage or dressing following tummy tuck surgery. A compression garment will have to be worn to reduce swelling and expedite healing. A tiny drainage tube may have to be placed underneath the skin to prevent fluid from collecting and healing may be more rapid. The surgeon will provide post-op instructions regarding how to care for the affected area, and what medications to take to prevent infection and promote healing. A date for the first follow-up visit will also be advised.


The plastic surgeon will advise the patient about the potential risks and complications associated with tummy tuck in advance. Some of the possible risks with tummy tuck are typical of any surgical procedure. These include hematoma or bleeding, infection, scarring, slow healing, fluid collection, blood clots, loss of skin, numbness in the affected area, risks of anesthesia, skin discoloration, wound separation, pain, prolonged swelling, nerve damage, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary risks. Risks specific to tummy tuck may include asymmetrical results, recurrent loose skin, sub-optimal aesthetic outcome, and possibility of a revisional procedure.

Meet Dr. Bradley Hubbard

If you are located in or around Dallas, Plano, Frisco, TX or surrounding communities, you have an opportunity to seek a consultation from Plastic Surgeon Dr. Bradley Hubbard. He is experienced in performing abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgeries.

Apart from his plastic surgery training at the University of Missouri, Dr. Hubbard has also received specialized training in aesthetic surgery from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. He can guide you about the suitability of obtaining a tummy tuck surgery in your particular case.

For more information on plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Plastic Surgeon, Bradley A. Hubbard MD in Dallas, Plano, Frisco and surrounding areas schedule a consultation by clicking here or calling 214-370-4813